2021年11月22日,本课题组涂泽中、薛永康两位同学合作在微电子领域权威期刊IEEE Electron Device Letters(影响因子4.187)发表题为“A Probability-based Strong Physical Unclonable Function with Strong Machine Learning Immunity”文章,纪志罡教授为通讯作者。
近年来,在机器学习高速发展的大背景下,基于软件方法生成的密钥容易被黑客攻击,可靠程度逐渐降低,已无法满足当前的安防需求。为增强系统的可靠性,利用固体器件在掺杂、老化等过程中出现随机性差异所设计的物理不可克隆函数(Physical unclonable function,PUF)逐渐为越来越多的安防系统所需求。
A novel strong physical unclonable function(PUF), called Probability-based PUF (Prob-PUF), is proposed using the stochastic process of trap emission in nano-scaled transistors. For the first time, the information of trap emission probability is used in the PUF design. This new approach offers ideal immunity to machine learning (ML) attacks. Since Prob-PUF only stores a mathematical model, it naturally avoids the dilemma between the requirement of a large number of challenge-response pairs (CRPs) and the limited storage space, making it a potential solution for future secure storage.